Hope Squad’s New Programming Strands: Building a Clear Path to Connection and Hope

Sara Anderson
November 14, 2024

This school year, Hope Squad unveiled new programming strands in our ongoing commitment to providing the best experience for Advisors and Members; these strands serve as the backbone of our curriculum, organizing it into cohesive sections that guide student learning and skill development. While the lessons, activities, and resources Squads know and love remain the same, the reorganization into streamlined strands is meant to make learning even more accessible and impactful, building from elementary all the way through secondary levels.

Key Benefits of Our New Programming Strands

1. Fresh Structure with Familiar Content

Members and Advisors will still find the same high-quality, engaging content they are used to. Topics have not gone away; instead, 16 previous strands have been consolidated into seven, making it easier to understand the core competencies covered in each strand.  

2. Developmentally Appropriate Progression: Each strand is designed to meet students where they are. All levels are built on core programming and age-appropriate suicide prevention curriculum. From there, materials start with foundational skills at the elementary level that gradually build. Junior High and High School programming provides deeper learning on topics introduced in Elementary, while also covering new topics appropriate for older students.

3. Clarity & Consistency. Advisors often had questions about what material was covered in each lesson and where to begin. With the reorganization of lessons and consistent strands across all years, Advisors can easily identify what topics are most important for their Squad and community to dive into after they have completed the Core Hope Squad lessons.

4. Flexibility. With consistent program strands across all years, Advisors have the flexibility to choose the lessons that best fit their Squads’ needs without Members missing important content. Core Hope Squad content ensures all members access the essentials, and each strand’s consistency from year to year allows Members to be exposed to fresh content related to all topics, whether it is their first or fourth year in Hope Squad.  

Our new strands bring clarity and cohesion to Hope Squad programming without changing what makes it special: Its focus on creating squads equipped with the skills necessary to promote connection and share hope.  


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